After raising her two children with her husband Brian in Los Angeles, Cindy Rogers traded in her bustling, busy life in California for a quieter one on The Rogers Farm. Situated at the foot of the Blueridge Mountains, the farm is a sanctuary for 40 rescued animals and a center for yoga and wellness retreats. When not tending to her animals and vegetable garden in Georgia, Cindy and Maybel are in Santa Monica. They enjoy spending time with their favorite companion, Cindy’s first grandbaby, Leo.
When Maybel, the country hound, wanders into Cindy’s kitchen, she may just have been looking for food, but instead finds a lifelong friend. The duo finds adventures in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Alongside fellow goats and horses, they munch on crusts of avocado toast by the beach in Santa Monica. It is a story of rescue, friendship, love and learning to stay wild at heart.
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